Tidal Disruption of a star by a SMBH
In our recent paper, we present the first ever self-consistent simulation of a main sequence star being tidally disrupted by a 10^6 solar mass SMBH. In this work we settle the long standing debate on the origin of optical emission in TDEs, and show that it originates from shocks between the returning disk and the formed accrestion disk.
Pressure Based Load Balancing
Each green dot represent a computational cell and each red Voronoi cell represents a CPU domain. The load balance is defined as the maximum number of computational cells in a domain over the ideal number. For more details see.
Ignition of detonation in accreted helium envelopes
G2 Gas Cloud
This is a movie showing the density of the G2 gas cloud using ideal gas EOS and cooling tables taking from CLOUDY. As the cloud passes through pericenter, it is shock heated and then undergoes a cooling instability that fragments it.
This is a movie showing the density of the G2 gas cloud using ideal gas EOS and cooling tables taking from CLOUDY. The simulation is only of the pericenter passage and simulates the vertical and radial axes. At the end of the run, the cloud is fragmented due to cooling instabilities.
This is a movie showing the density of the G2 gas cloud using ideal gas EOS and cooling tables taking from CLOUDY. Here the ambient medium is diluted by a factor of 20 and as a consequence it does not undergo a cooling instability that fragments it.
This is a movie showing the density of the G2 gas cloud using ideal gas EOS and cooling tables taking from CLOUDY. The simulation is only of the pericenter passage and simulates the vertical and radial axes. Here the ambient medium is diluted by a factor of 20 and as a consequence it does not undergo cooling instability that fragments it.